Notice of Meeting

Planning Committee – Advisory Meeting

Councillor Dudley (Chairman),

Councillor Brossard (Vice-Chairman),

Councillors Angell, Dr Barnard, Bhandari, D Birch, Brown, Gbadebo, Green, Mrs Hayes MBE, Heydon, Mrs Mattick, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs McKenzie-Boyle, Mossom, Parker, Skinner and Virgo

Thursday 19 August 2021, 6.30 pm

Zoom Meeting



Recommendations arising from this meeting will be considered in accordance with the delegations approved by Council on 28 April 2021.






Apologies for Absence



To receive apologies for absence.

Reporting: ALL






5 - 8


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 28 July 2021.

Reporting: ALL





Declarations of Interest



Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.

Reporting: ALL





Urgent Items of Business



Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent.

Reporting: Hannah Harding




Planning Applications

(Head of Development Management)


The conditions for public speaking have been met in the applications marked ‘PS’.  For further information or to register for public speaking, please contact Customer Services 01344 352000.




PS Application No 21/00361/PARC - Lavenir, Opladen Way, Bracknell

15 - 28


Prior Notification requirement under Class AA of Part 20 of the GPDO for a two storey roof extension to form 35 apartments.

Reporting: Sarah Fryer





PS Application No 21/00023/FUL - Binfield House, Terrace Road North, Binfield

29 - 58


Refurbishment and conversion of Binfield House into 9 retirement apartments incorporating internal and external alterations and erection of new buildings containing 9 retirement dwellings, following demolition of existing single storey buildings, together with associated parking and landscaping.

Reporting: Katie Andrews





PS Application No 21/00347/FUL - Land At Whitmoor Bog, North Of The Railway Line, Swinley Road, Ascot

59 - 76


Application to change the description of the permitted use of part of the managed woodland Crown Estate, known as Whitmoor Bog, Swinley Road, Ascot and extending the period of use that already allows the continued permanent, seasonal occupation of the site by Lapland UK in order for them to create their Winter Wonderland experience including the erection of temporary structures and to seek minor amendments to some of the conditions already applied for under planning permission 15/01006/FUL.

Reporting: Paul Corbett





Application No 21/00024/LB - Binfield House, Terrace Road North, Binfield

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Application for Listed Building Consent for refurbishment and conversion of Binfield House into 9 retirement apartments incorporating internal and external alterations and erection of new buildings containing 9 retirement dwellings, following demolition of existing single storey buildings, together with associated parking and landscaping.

Reporting: Katie Andrews





Application No 21/00172/3 - Braybrooke Recreation Ground, Makepiece Road, Bracknell

87 - 96


Erection of 2no re-purposed wooden structures. One, a Scout Hut for a local Scout group and the other a classroom for Bracknell Town Council.

Reporting: Olivia Jones





Application No 21/00233/FUL - Coopers Hill Youth and Community Centre, Crowthorne Road North, Bracknell

97 - 126


Demolition and comprehensive re-development (phased) to provide residential accommodation (52 Units) (Use Class C3) and ancillary works including access, car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and associated works.

Reporting: Margaret McEvit





Application No 21/00235/FUL - 8 Dale Gardens, Sandhurst

127 - 134


Erection of single storey rear extension, installation of side facing dormer plus partial garage conversion.

Reporting: Alexander Ralph





Application No 21/00352/FUL - Nuptown Piggeries, Hawthorn Lane, Warfield

135 - 144


Section 73 application for the variation of condition 15 (external lighting) to planning permission 19/00930/FUL for the erection of 3 x detached dwellinghouses including driveways and garages and landscaping following removal of 7 existing buildings and hardstanding at the site. [For clarification this application seeks approval for limited external lighting].

Reporting: Sarah Fryer




Information Item





Q1 2021_22 Planning Performance Report

Reporting: Max Baker

145 - 152





















Sound recording, photographing, filming and use of social media is permitted.  Please contact Hannah Harding, 01344 352308,, so that any special arrangements can be made.

Published: 9 August 2021